How Safe Is Reme Halo?

As a professional AC service company, we constantly get asked to provide our opinion on the Reme Halo. Usually, the popularity of a device is enough to dispel rumors, but in this case, there are many people unfamiliar with Reme Halo warning about its dangers.
Why is this the case and do these rumors have any basis in reality?
Spoiler alert: the concerns are wildly exaggerated. But there are still grains of truth in the claims and it all boils down to a single molecule – ozone.
Today, we’ll explain how Reme Halo works and outline cases in which the ‘’dangerous’’ Reme Halo warning applies.
Reme Halo – How It Works
For the uninitiated, the way Reme Halo works can seem like science fiction, but it’s simple really. This air purifier uses ionized hydrogen peroxide to purify the air in your air duct system. This is all made possible through photohydroionization which converts moisture from the air into hydrogen peroxide.
This process was developed by the company behind Reme Halo and its main purpose is to simulate the hydroperoxides which naturally occur in the air outside.
In simple turns the following elements in this device work in conjunction to create ionized hydrogen peroxide:
1. A catalytic surface made of rhodium, copper, titanium dioxide, and silver
2. Moisture that flows through your HVAC system
3. A source of light that interacts with the moisture that collects on the catalytic surface
These ionized hydrogen peroxide particles are then released into the atmosphere through your air ducts.
Since these molecules are ionized, they attract all kinds of negative particles such as mold, viruses, dust, pollen, bacteria, etc. This neutralizes the negative particles while at the same time, it also makes them larger. This makes your air filter more effective as it has an easier time trapping harmful fragments.
Along with this, the Reme Halo also uses bipolar ionization to positively or negatively charge air molecules. When these particles collide with microbes they trap them and remove hydrogen from their cell walls – making them harmless in the process.
Is Hydrogen Peroxide Safe?
While this ‘’chemical’’ sounds like the suspect part of the Reme Halo warning, it’s actually not. Hydrogen peroxide produced by this air purifier is perfectly safe and there are even fewer particles produced than occur outdoors naturally.
Additionally, the level of hydrogen peroxide released by Reme Halo is a lot lower than the relevant FDA guidelines.
Is Ozone Safe?
Along with hydrogen peroxide, Reme Halo produces a small amount of ozone. While this molecule is safe, in high concentrations it can be harmful. This is why there are even people who are suspicious of Reme Halo warning you about it.
Ozone, if ingested by humans, can cause symptoms such as coughing, lung irritation, and shortness of breath – bad news for those prone to illnesses. It may also cause more serious symptoms for those with underlying lung conditions.
So, does this mean that Reme Halo is dangerous?
Hold your horses, this air purifier is approved by the FDA which means its production of ozone is within safety levels for rules on ozone exposure. According to the FDA, the same exposure limit is at 0.1 ppm (parts per million) in 8 hours and for constant exposure in closed spaces this level is at 0.05 ppm.
In other words, Reme Halo is safe according to federal standards and its ozone emissions are minuscule.
When Can Ozone Become a Serious Problem?
Even though the ozone emitted by Reme Halo is minuscule, depending on other factors, this air purifier could contribute to pushing the concentration of ozone in your home to dangerous levels.
Here are the factors to consider:
1. Underlying health conditions
Before purchasing a Reme Halo, consider if anyone in your home suffers from certain lung-related conditions. Although the ozone produced by this device is small, it may still be enough to exacerbate your sick family members’ symptoms.
To ensure everyone stays safe, consult your physician before installing a Reme Halo.
2. Is your home properly ventilated?
When ozone-producing appliances such as Reme Halo Led are combined with improper ventilation, levels of ozone in your home could quickly rise above harmless levels. This is because poor ventilation makes it impossible for ozone to escape, leading to buildup.
Check for signs of ventilation issues such as significant noticeable moisture on windows and other surfaces. Also, consider if you had any problems with mold in the past.
If the ventilation in your home is poor, you should first address this problem before even purchasing an air purifier.
3. Do you have any other ozone-producing appliances?
Before purchasing an air purifier, you should first consider other sources of ozone. That way, you can ensure you’re keeping ozone levels in your home at healthy levels.
The devices that also produce ozone are plentiful, and even innocent items like vegetable and fruit washers, laundry water treatment devices, and facial steamers all produce noticeable amounts of ozone. The same applies to electric fans, some hair dryers, printers, as well as copiers.
In most cases, since these appliances aren’t close to each other and usually aren’t running at the same time, you’re most likely safe.
We still recommend testing the amount of ozone to be on the safe side. You can purchase an expensive ozone monitor, or buy cheap ozone test strips on Amazon. This helps you determine with 100% certainty that Reme Halo won’t be a health hazard.
Is There An Air Purifier That Doesn’t Produce Ozone?
So you want to increase the quality of air in your home, but you don’t want to worry about your ozone levels? There is an option that outperforms the standard Reme Halo on almost all fronts (it’s more energy efficient) – Reme Halo LED.
Reme Halo LED is the ‘’new and improved’’ version of the basic air purifier and it produces no ozone. This version is a bit more expensive, but when you consider lower energy costs and the fact it doesn’t introduce any ozone into your home, it’s worth it.
Call Aztil Air Conditioning at +561-559-2205 if you want to purchase and install Reme Halo LED. We can be there in record time and ensure your air is as clean as possible!