Understanding the Importance of Storm Drain Maintenance

Storm drains are built into the curbs of many city streets. They lead to underground flood prevention channels that carry water safely out of neighborhoods when heavy rains or major outdoor leaks occur. They prevent flooding and provide water flow control. However, they can also be damaged or become clogged if improperly maintained. The city and its residents share the responsibility for storm drains. Why should you care about storm drain maintenance and what can you do as a resident to take care of your local storm drains? We have the answers.
What Are Storm Drains?
Storm drains collect rainwater, directing it away from streets and public spaces to prevent flooding when it rains. Storm drains channel the drained water into approved and safe areas using underground pipes.
Why Is Storm Drain Maintenance Crucial?
Maintaining your local storm drains can keep your streets clear and safe under heavy rain, and prevent environmental damage from poor runoff management.
Flood Prevention
Most importantly, storm drains prevent flooding. If a storm drain isn’t functioning properly due to clogging or damage, it won’t redirect rainwater, and a street or public area may become flooded. Storm drain maintenance protects homes, businesses, and roads from the dangers of high water levels.
Water Quality Protection
Storm drains prevent uncontrolled water runoff. Road oil, chemicals, litter, and sediment that shouldn’t reach the ecosystem are carried away safely by storm drains, often to local water treatment plants before the water is allowed to re-enter the environment. This promotes a healthier local ecosystem.
Infrastructure Longevity
Flooding can significantly damage urban infrastructure. Seeping water can damage foundations, roads, and bridges. Maintaining your storm drains can prevent these problems, thus preventing the need for extensive repairs and material replacements later on.
Public Safety
Flooding is a local hazard. Maintained storm drains ensure that cars and pedestrians do not have to navigate dangerously deep and murky stormwaters. Storm drains can prevent accidents and illness and ensure safe travel after heavy rains.
How to Maintain Storm Drains
While storm drain repair may be the city’s job, residents can contribute to storm drain maintenance through considerate decisions and quick reporting if a problem is detected.
Keep Drains Clear
Help to keep your storm drains clear. If you notice a box, a sheet of plastic, or a big pile of leaves blocking your local storm drain, do a little neighborhood cleanup so the next rain drains safely away.
Proper Waste Disposal
Never use a storm drain for waste disposal. In particular, prevent leaves, grass clippings, oils, paints, or chemicals from flowing down the storm drain. Use proper disposal methods for hazardous chemicals and mulch or dispose of your leaves.
Install Gutter Guards
Gutter guards installed on your roof’s gutters can help prevent gutter clogs and prevent leaves from flowing toward your storm drains.
Adopt Green Infrastructure
Design your landscaping to manage rainwater gracefully. Reduce the pressure on your storm drains by installing rain gardens, permeable pavements, and green roofs that direct water effectively or absorb rainwater safely to reduce the runoff that enters your local storm drains.
Report Issues
If you notice a blocked or damaged storm drain, report the issue immediately to your public works department. Quick reports can ensure immediate repairs, which will prevent flooding incidents from happening.
Community Involvement
Involve others in your neighborhood in storm drain maintenance. Work together to minimize litter, control leaves, clear blocked drains, and generally treat your storm drains with respect. Teamwork can help ensure your storm drains are always properly maintained and provide the best service.
Caring for Your Local Storm Drains
When you take care of your storm drains, they will take care of you. Storm drains prevent flooding, preserve water quality, and protect buildings from water damage. Taking steps to maintain your local storm drains is always a smart idea. For more information about storm drain maintenance, contact us today.